Worth the read, by @CaitlinLong_: https://t.co/YsNBsfHrnT
With the exception of Satoshi's white paper and 2 articles by @starkness, this list is remarkably light on Bitcoin:
Bankers slaughtering each other again to make a few bucks. #GotBitcoin
#RussiaGate hoax imploding. My bet with @BillyBaldwin looks safe. 👍😀
Very coy of @DailyMailUK to refer to murdering terrorists as ‘bullies.’ Hahaha! If only Brits didn’t enjoy getting abused often and viciously like this - as many have told me over the years, including staff at @BBC. #SillyTwats https://t.co/22YSXPRC31
What have you removed from your life that resulted in a sustained, positive impact?
1/ Imagine investing in internet stocks and never experiencing the products that the companies create.
Most crypto skeptics remain superficial in their understanding of the technology.
What’s the bigger hoax?
BEWARE OF THIEVES IMPERSONATING ME. I would NEVER take such advantage of my followers. Whenever you see such flagrant disregard of law and ethics, please report the person as an impostor "pretending to be me or someone else."
"I would actually argue the Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, and it is Bitcoin Core that has gone off on a different path" via the @Mixergy Podcast: https://t.co/3UbIzrvSZQ
Gold and Bitcoin are complementary assets. Combine them in a portfolio, and you'll see that hard money has been in a secular bull market for 15 years now.
This is the bible of classical charting principles. This is the only book on charting I recommend. Available on Amazon for around $50.
A Premium #Factormembers post was issued "Factor Update, February 11, 2017". Please see here https://t.co/j3txUnBjJf for more details.
“The New Neural Internet is Coming” by Oleksandr Savsunenko https://t.co/5EdlTVvd6s
“Privacy on Ethereum is too expensive” by Clearmatics https://t.co/1poQm98bDf
I've ported full-RBF to the Bitcoin Core v0.16.0rc3 release candidate: https://t.co/QaiJEmDsXi
½ tweet pitch: Full nodes should run this because full-RBF is useful, even if miners don't; miners should run this because zeroconf is hilariously broken, and you'll earn a bit more.
.@CathieDWood’s take on #bitcoin as CIO of @ARKInvest, hodling through the 2016 Bitfinex hack, #China’s crackdown, ETF denials, forks, high fees & more: https://t.co/mMmlwZ57qo
I’ll be @token2049 in Hong Kong & looking for teams building decentralized information networks in Asia that go beyond investing & trading use cases https://t.co/sHbECgbeB6
Are private master-node groups the crypto version of multi-level marketing Ponzi schemes?
If $LTC does not dance to the music I will likely be out by noon tomorrow.
Hey, P-Tav, $LTC push above 180 and XRP push above $120 make them interesting to me.
Parabolic Trav on Twitter
“$BTC is currently one of the most bullish charts I’ve ever seen. Wall St. gave a huge gift. The only one that beats it is the current $ET...
As a general rule, valid breakout days should thrust with vengeance, producing a wide-bodied red (down) or green (up) candlestick. Hesitation at breakout is more often than not a sign of trouble. I attempt to move stops to BE quickly
Greg's recent work on Taproot and graftroot plus @benediktbuenz CT inspired bulletproofs (more generic proof system than some realise) if you plot trend looks like standard hardness assumption SNARK like privacy/fungibilty direction. Sounds good to me 🙂

Maxwell Eyes Bitcoin Smart Contracts After Blockstream - CoinDesk
After leaving the startup he co-founded, Greg Maxwell is focusing his energy on developing more efficient and more private bitcoin smart contracts.
Watch out for fake twitter accounts asking for money and for fake conferences claiming that big names are attending. Two examples below:
BCH is not fighting the LN.
When will Satoshi's coins move?
Traders do not have the luxury of trading yesterdays markets.
Curious to hear thoughts. Is my Twitter profile misleading? (I don't think so but I'm willing to reconsider)

panek on Twitter
“@TuurDemeester Nor do you work as an economist. Ppl see your # of followers, “economist”, “chief editor” of an obviousl...
Thread pointing out the many parallels between 19th century Railroad Mania and present day ICO Mania:
میگم نره٬ میگه بدوش on Twitter
“Behold: a 20-bagger tweetstorm that will alienate most of the people that follow me. I present to you a short story on 'The Glenmutchkin Railw...
What I'm really looking forward to is the 8 year old crypto traders learning markets, rough and tumble, brain neurons wired for markets, instinctive, taking it to Wall Street when they are a little bit older.
Solid foundations are made from brittle concrete and firm steel, not malleable clay or straw. Delicate carpets and fine silverware are the finishing touches layered on top.

Matt Khoury on Twitter
“"Bitcoin needs to be solid and secure. It must be slow and clunky, if that is what is needed to be solid and secure. It's sole function is to g...
US govt buying stocks as fear of #BitcoinBlackHole vacuuming trillions from the stock market bubble weigh heavily. This is what we want. They’ll go bust defending Dow.
Speaking as a fan of weird music, why not both?
You Had One Job on Twitter
“Best Radiohead song ever.”
Ignore Roubini’s bitcoin crash prediction as he lacks knowledge & background – Max Keiser — RT Business News https://t.co/w6peTS0pXH #
Dow down. #Bitcoin up. 😀
Too many people have too low a standard to believe that someone is Satoshi. At a minimum, the person needs to sign with the genesis key. Anything else is a "dog ate my homework" excuse.
I have no tolerance for a trade that starts to dig back into my pocket. Capital preservation trumps my opinion of any given chart.
A Premium #Factormembers post was issued "2017 Best Dressed List — the very best of classical charting principles in 2017". Please see here https://t.co/j3txUnjIkF for more details.
The current #Bitcoin price is the only real price of money that matters. This is why no-coiners try to kill it.
Hypothesis, next 6 months:
Short term T-bills
Bitcoin: ?
With #blockchains, everything will become liquid.
Review of IOTA by @abrkn
tl;dr: Useless for IoT because the Tangle DAG tech just adds complexity without changing the fundamental problem of needing all blockchain data to detect double-spend.
tl;dr²: IOTA doesn't scale.

IOTA: Cannot be used for IoT. Loss of funds may occur.
IOTA is a tangle coin that ICO’d on Bitcointalk in JINN, another coin. It promises to bring cryptocurrency to the Internet-of-Things. But…
Same market environment can treat different trading styles in very different ways some favorably, others miserably.
“@BrianForde has already amassed more #Bitcoin contributions than all previous congressional candidates combined.”

The Crypto Candidate for Congress
Political newbie Brian Forde has dazzled marquee crypto investors, who hope he can be the Washington friend they desperately need.
'Security protocols always consist of at least two layers: a "dry layer" that can be analyzed by ... objective mathematics ... and a "wet layer" that consists of the often unpredictable ... motivations of the protocols' users.'
Small-game fallacies
A small-game fallacy occurs when game theorists, economists, or others trying to apply game-theoretic or microeconomic techniques to real-wo...
Imo "Proof of Stake" is very close to a multi level marketing scheme: new entrants are charged an inflation tax that subsidizes participants higher up the chain, and the people higher up decide on the fate of the enterprise.
The earliest surviving written law code
and what it tells us about money

Ur-Nammu (reigned 2047-2030 BCE) was the founder of the Third Dynasty of Ur in Sumer who initiated the so-called Ur III Period (2047-1750 BCE) also kn...
In every major market cycle short volatility all-stars get wiped out. Here is the graphic representation of picking up pennies in front of a steam roller. #VIX
Learning to be patient with a losing period is part of maturing as a trader.
Most important chart I follow is signaling a key reversal.

zerohedge on Twitter
“Inflation Alert: The Velocity Of Money Has Finally Bottomed https://t.co/COCd35lVOA”
Satan Jamie Dimon for sake: Terrible Store of Value via @bitify_com
https://bitify.com/auctions/collectable-art/terrible-store-of-value-1026570/The historically recent growth of centralized digital money has resulted in the transformation of money from being a medium of exchange, to many officials viewing it as primarily a medium of law enforcement. This is increasingly making such money more local and less trustworthy.

Cato CMFA on Twitter
As the media sensationalizes the "equity rout," let's keep the stock market correction (thus far) in perspective.
Imagine how Joan Jett would have handled Harvey Weinstein. #BasAss #BadToTheBone
History In Pictures on Twitter
“Joan Jett on tour with The Runaways in London, 1977. Photo by Steve Emberton.”
Without Fed’s 0% money for Wall St., fair market level for Dow Jones is less than current #Bitcoin price. I predict Bitcoin price will fly past Dow in 2018.
Includes easy link to download @Tether's entire transactional & supply creation history, too!

Alex Vikati on Twitter
“I just published “A Closer Look At Tether’s Blockchain” https://t.co/oeORu8QfDm”
Ignore Roubini’s bitcoin crash prediction as he lacks knowledge & background – Max Keiser https://t.co/w6peTRIP69
#SatoshiRoundtable: I had a chance to interview @OverstockCEO for @KeiserReport. Will air next week. @tzeroblockchain VERY EXCITING!!!
#SatoshiRoundtable: I’ve had several meetings and calls with all key stakeholders with interests in @bitfinex and @Tether_to and maintain my positive outlook for both for 2018. @HeisenbergCap @stacyherbert
I’ve had several in-depth discussions on #BitcoinCash here at #SatoshiRoundtable — and maintain my position that bcash is less secure than Bitcoin, while also engaging in deceptive marketing. But hey, let the market decide.
#Bitcoin safe haven play as Dow Jones tumbles. $28,000 in play.
ERP & similar would be interesting experiments to watch from a safe distance. They would have programmers making legal and accounting decisions, or (more likely in the long run) an unpredictable variety of local lawyers & accountants getting involved in global software upgrades.
Donald McIntyre on Twitter
“Very happy to see that in addition to @pirapira, both @avsa and @VitalikButerin are taking a stand against Standardized Ethereum Recovery Propo...
"The Bitcoin Core (BTC) network is in trouble due to high fees and slow transaction times. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the upgrade that solves these problems." - front page

Get started with Bitcoin: find a wallet, buy bitcoin, shop with bitcoin, read bitcoin news, and get involved on the forum. on Bitcoin.com
Exactly. Our energy costs are negative - because we tap our infinite Max&Stacy LOVE ❤️ 💕
Marshall Long on Twitter
“The next mining legends? Likely @maxkeiser & @stacyherbert Just sayin $BTC”
Props for @coinbase's multi billion dollar company for donating a whole 5x more per year to open source development than my one man consulting company does.
Coinbase on Twitter
“Introducing Coinbase Open Source Fund https://t.co/eERYrzCzEa”
A trader's worst drawdown is the one that is yet to come.
At first blush #crypto builders seem loyal adherents to @paulg’s advice, “do things that don’t scale,” but we actually have much to learn about the meaning behind those words:
Hey @jack, when are we getting the ability to deposit/withdraw BTC from the Cash app? That's about the only thing missing.
If you make them money, they will come.
#Classical_Charting_101 The foundation of charting is that similar chart construction tends to produce similar outcomes. $PST $VNM BTW, I am NOT a fan of buying Ultra ETFs
Trust-minimized governance uses tech to minimize the kinds of decisions leaders are expected to, or in the most secure cases even able to, make. This can lower governance costs & increase social scalability dramatically: the best public blockchains work seamlessly across borders.
FundSeeder Trader Summit is today, all presentations are recorded and available to listen for FREE until midnight eastern https://t.co/gVNy3gyzsl
FundSeeder Virtual Trader Summit
On Febuary 8, 2018, join FundSeeder for over two dozen video educational sessions from some of the most successful names in trading, investing, and t...
As I have said often, the challenge is not in making money, it is in keeping it.
This man learns from history. Read and learn.

Tuur Demeester on Twitter
“1/ The DotCom bubble shows that the market isn't very good at valuing early stage technology. I'll use Google vs. Yahoo to illustrate.”
Thanks @AxelDeAcetis I posted something similar re: Livermore last year - some crypto-trolls informed me that "old-man" rules no longer apply to these modern markets. Too bad each generation must learn the hard way.
25 Jesse Livermore Trading Rules: Ultimate Guide
25 of the best Jesse Livermore Trading Rules. A 9000 word Ultimate Guide to the trading legend, Jesse Livermore and his best trading rules.
Nice looking map of Decentraland just published by the Design Quarter District team:
1/ The DotCom bubble shows that the market isn't very good at valuing early stage technology. I'll use Google vs. Yahoo to illustrate.
https://t.co/w6peTRIP69 @stacyherbert
Difference b/w gitcoin & oscoin 👇