Brazil being Brazil
"so you are telling me you ended up shorting the greatest invention since the internet and got liquidated with your entire net worth, while in truth you knew crypto would conquer the world in storm, and now you look back and wish you would just have bought and held?"
Lost a trade right now.
Biggest mistake I see myself whenever I do lose a trade is buying at resistance. This is always the main reason I lose a trade.
Hope my mistakes can help you guys improve too. 🔥�?
#notetomyself #again
I respectfully disagree with this...
You learn so much more than advanced topics.
I'm finishing my education despite not having to.
I would encourage anyone here to finish theirs.
Zissouâ„¢ on Twitter
“Paid higher education is the biggest scam on earth.”
SoCiaL MediA pLAtfOrmS arE cOmpaNies. THey CaN cEnsoR wHoEVer theY wAnt.
#Factor_Members Still traveling. Update may not be issued until weekend. Meal can be shorted on retest rally. $ZM_F
$LTC point of maximum financial opportunity in sight
retested previous structure, EMA 200 acting as additional support, StochRSI flatlined and ready to go while volume is steadily declining, waiting for a move. can't see much more downside happening here
The Trade Mining Wars Have Begun
ur crypto might not be decentralized if it:
1) has has a C-suite & PR dept
2) puts out monthly reports
3) created all coins & put most holdings in escrow
4) is missing blocks
5) has txns that can be frozen
6) has purposeful brand/name/logo confusion
7) has someone you can sue
Who's making trades right now? Let's get it.
imagine this happening to your local currency and ask yourself honestly and with integrity: Am I Prepared?
Libertarian League on Twitter
“The item next to the amount of Venezuelan bolivars it requires to purchase it”
TFW you open an old trading program and an ancient trendline you placed months ago is surprisingly accurate & respected
"I got kicked out of a chatroom and my butt hurts about it. I'm very very important, and NOW IT'S PERSONAL." <action movie music>
Also bought an Infinix and Nic salt liquids to have a backup. Should arrive next week, will let you know the differences.
Reminder: if you're a gamer you're more than welcome to join our Discord server and find other gamers to play/shitpost with:

Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
Step up your game with a modern voice & text chat app. Crystal clear voice, multiple server and channel support, mobile apps, and more. Get your free ...
Would be great if I could smoke CT salt instead of nicotine salts on my vapes tho
honored to be covered, thanks for the inspiring conversations. looking forward to further indepth discussions in the future �?

~ Alby ~ Jazzi Einstein on Twitter
“{ VIDEO 🎬 } best with 🎧 Episode #6 #VoiceOfCrypto LIVE REVIEW w/ Jazz 🎼 ~ I'm humbled and honored for a: 1 on 1 'IN DEPTH' WITH: ...
#Bitcoin Brief w/ @LeahWald @nvk & special guest @BraveTheWorld to talk latest in #Venezuela's $petro, Energy consumption of $BTC Mining, @SEC_Enforcement / @SEC_News $BTCUSD #ETF Rejection of ProShares/Direxion & The 30m epic @BitmexRekt on @BitMEXdotcom
Any nic salts you would recommend? I'm looking at these: heard Deribit is the next shiny thing so if you like shiny things you should prob create an account there too:
Buying $ETN OTC at 1 dogetoshi
Key areas for swing trading #bitcoin #bitcoin for today
Swing trading takes longer time to develop. Let the trades present themselves and never chase profits. Opportunities are always out there.
Good morning everyone.
Key areas to scalp/watch out for, for today #btc #bitcoin
Make sure arguments for in favor of bullish/bearish cases are there whenever you trade in your direction. Theory gives you the outline but does not teach you how to trade real-time.
Fuck this Juul and its nic salts are good. Inb4 addiction
Success is being able to tweet naked or shitposting while taking a shit.
if you are messaging me in the hope I will support your project, I won't. save us both the time and energy, dont message me with such intention in the first place. I never have and never will use this platform to advertise anything, and no amount of money will change that, ever
If we cut straight through the bs, the only reason why $XRP exists in the first place is to make Ripple truckloads of shekels.
The ICO that never ends.
#KuCoin completed and opened deposit and withdrawal for $NULS mainnet
It's not without some embarrassment and a ton of discussion that we the $MUE team are trying to raise some funds to clear this development backlog.
You may also notice the fundraising platform,, is @MonetaryUnit's own $crypto crowdfunding service.
Tfw your bags are bigger than the daily volume of these shitcoins
$for #forcenetwork.
Building up courage to get out of bed and exercise. A bit cold today xD
Never forget: exchanges live from your fees, nothing else. No matter how nice their CEO appears on social media, trying to be your friend claiming they do all for you, what they preach about the future for crypto, how easy trading is on their platform....they want your money.
Yall are getting too bullish on btc tho, idk, not going to put all my eggs there just yet.
Currently writing a book on fine-tuning circadian rythms. From the POV of epic failure.
"The Ripple network is more decentralised than Bitcoin" says the CEO of Ripple
I have been in a controversy over the crypto $DIG, during which I have expressed some harsh personal opinions. I have completely dissolved myself from these threads. It will be up to those with more technical knowledgeable about the coin to provide critique.
"Best coin to swingtrade for nice profit?" It's a question I often get and always reply to look at mid caps. For swingtrading I'm not interested in top 5-8 coins.
They already made their big run and so much needed to do another +100%.
Reported because he's contemplating self harm I encourage you all to do the same.
Chardy on Twitter
“is there a better way of cleaning your ears out than with a paper clip”
Daily #bitcoin #btc RSI is at 43 already.
Not much time left for the bulls unfortunately. Would need a break above 6.8K!
Seriously. Bit coin is slow AF compared to etherium

Ad_Infinitum on Twitter
“Etherium is better than bit coin. Don't @ me.”
Yo @barrysilbert change $Etc to etherium and people will actually use it

Ethan Ackerman on Twitter
“@CryptoMessiah I'm honestly surprised nobody's launched a coin called Etherium yet”
Etherium is better than bit coin.
Don't @ me.
Funfact: BTC will reach $100k+
This shit is why I dedicate myself to $crypto

Ryan Selkis on Twitter
“Imagine a future where: + Bitcoin miners push the clean energy frontier + BTC becomes big enough to justify international mining treaties + Ul...
Livin' on the edge
Bitmain’s IPO putting even the shadiest of ICOs to shame.
The fine folks at @Fantasy_CashMN let me check out their beta site and make up a couple teams.
Looks pretty cool to me! And should be fun to use this upcoming NFL season when it's ready!
Disclosure: I have some $FANS. I was not paid for this tweet.
$NFL #FantasyFootball
Nine (How Ironic �?) #Bitcoin #ETF's regected by @SEC_Enforcement. TRADING RULE: News Does Not Change Trend & this @SEC_News was EXPECTED. The $BTCUSD #shortsqueeze is on. Still looking for a short term Dead Cat Bounce to $7-7.5k them down to $5k.

SEC Rejects Nine Proposed Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds
The Securities and Exchange Commission rejected applications for nine separate bitcoin-based exchange-traded funds, once again thwarting an attempt to...
What if bull whale is solidX/VanEck accumulating for ETF?
Will be selling both kidneys before this. Get rich AND die trying �?
Action packed week for $BTC traders with exchange downtime, volatility, and high impact news.
I wanted to learn more about the new exchange everyone is talking about.
NEW PODCAST with @DeribitExchange
-> <-
Sign up here:
Crypto is a damn tough grind.
You need to be street smart with a killers edge or this game will chew you up and spit you out
I see a lot of folks thinking this is forming a H&S.
This is wrong.
H&S forms after an established uptrend.
Think of H&S as wave 3, 4, 5, A, B, C (neckline support or break).
Not everything is manipulation. Price moves up and down according to demand and supply at that moment in time.
Crypto is still a retail driven market and information asymmetry plays a major role.
It's not always because the double secret whale market maker club's evil plan...
Paid higher education is the biggest scam on earth.
Every time we see some China FUD it’s in some writing we can’t read and people believe it anyway.
So many fake rumours have spread like this and they can be quite powerful.
Here I just made some shit up and post a pic of some Chinese tattoos. No one questioned it 👇🤦�?♂�?
฿ITLORD✨ on Twitter
“🇨🇳 - China is now prohibiting all bitcoin transactions, mining operations and advertisements. This time the ban is more around investment...
Checking on the @CoinistBot open positions and saw this nasty wick on $EOS down 15% and snapped back up all within 5 minutes
For those that didn’t know, this was a troll.
I can’t stand this sort of shit. I’m genuinely blown away by how many DMs I got asking how to trade like this 🤦�?♂�?
Don’t be so naive or people will take advantage of you �?
฿ITLORD✨ on Twitter
“I just made over 0.0277 BTC in less than 1 min! That’s about $177 USD for the noobs �? There are 1440 minutes per day so that’s ...
I dindu nuffin
Guys I know this is racist so spare me the comments. Just laugh
If you got smashed over the last 24hrs apply this old school rule:
Do not trade during “events�? 📜
-Bitmex maintenance
-Sec decision
They are often associated with extreme volatility in both directions.
Seriously, if you’re so shit at life that you have to crawl into my DMs begging for a handout, you are doomed for eternal failure.
Get up off of your ass and wash some dishes, polish some shoes, make art, do something!
Quick Live Trading and Scalp with the team.
No idea what's going to happen next but will try to provide details on next key levels for everyone <3
This market is too fkn easy. Give a brother a goddamn challenge.
�?��? $BTC �?��?
both ETFs denied as expected
now we can all move on with our lives
This is why I'm staying out till tomorrow. There is so much uncertainty. When there's doubt, go shopping. It's cheat day. Though, I might consider a scalp long soon when I get home in 1.5 hours.
Me: none
Please, if you're going to be an asshole just reply to this tweet and save me time, I'm dying to block more ppl today
I have insider info that #ALTSEASON begins September 27, 2018.
Cc @RNR_0
🇨🇳 - China is now prohibiting all bitcoin transactions, mining operations and advertisements. This time the ban is more around investment channels: banning crypto exchanges, mining farms, bitcoin accounts, media outlet and public crypto activities.
Expecting more to hit Sept.
Funny to see people getting excited when they see a VET ATM in their office..... Well, I guess you missed the first run 😀
Crypto_Ed_NL on Twitter
“Usually when the hype is on, I let the market do its work but I dont want to miss you out on this: Right now RUMOR in Japan... ATM's. #DYORR...
Hm, Juul is gonna be expensive to keep importing the pods here to Brasil tho. $60~ for a 4 pack of pods instead of $16. Might just buy nic salt liquids instead and hack the pods or use Smok's Infinix
does @ignition_coin made a fork days /months go ?
whale wars: ETF edition
FOMO trap? This is why I warn people about intraday charts. $BTC
Every crypto trader on the planet should be competing in the public beta of
Because the beta is FREE to sign up FREE to compete. You don’t even need $BTC 😱
Top prize? TBA 🚀
Now sign up and get int the discord!
Keep following sir, maybe you'll learn something but I doubt it 😘
This is alll about. Simple don julio 70 reposado órale salud mis compas #Crypto �?�@CryptoJAV�?�
How did this call turn out? idg enough of af to look into it

notsofast on Twitter
“@NeosCoin IMHO at least SIX 2017 ICOs that raised over $10-million will go bust in too short a time to be considered anything other than a scam...
Remember when $crypto was still fun 😢😑🙃
Richie on Twitter
“This is my response to any more @BittrexExchange questions tonight :)”
I'm not trading this market until another possible wave down or till tomorrow's ETF decision. Until then, I'm shopping for a cold air intake, headers, exhaust, and a turbo charger. Here's the part you all make recommendations on what to do first and here's also the part IDGAF.
I only respond with quote tweets now.
This way, muh followers can ridicule whoever I quote, and I won't have to take up for myself.

Parabolic Beastlorion on Twitter
“@CryptoMessiah Sir plesss. Chain tweets. No quote tweets. Please.”
This is true... $Trx bagholders were a great meal.
Would eat again.

I am Nomad on Twitter
“Eth bag holders ate angrier than ripple bag holders.”
Stay caught up with my quick BTC Technical analysis.
Major alts like $ADA, $ETH, and $EOS nearly taking out lows from last week now that Bitcoin has fully retraced yesterday's pump.
#btc #bitcoin
eyeing 6,300 as support with a resistance now at 6,500.
overall picture looks grim until bulls can surpass 6,800 again and hold.
Just obvious truths though...
DeusExMachina 🇺🇦 on Twitter
“@CryptoMessiah The amount of truth in this Tweetception needs more attention”
Funniest part...
If gurus bold statement comes true....
"If you had listened to me, you'd be up 300%"
"*Acts like it's just easy*"
"*Join my paid group*"
No longer about risk management, but appealing to your greed.

Ad_Infinitum on Twitter
“You've seen this right? Guru makes bold statement.. Is wrong AF. "Good thing i had great stop in place" "*Proceeds with lesson in risk mana...
You've seen this right?
Guru makes bold statement..
Is wrong AF.
"Good thing i had great stop in place"
"*Proceeds with lesson in risk management and shills paid group*"

Ad_Infinitum on Twitter
“Of course you did 😂😂😂 Funny how people always act like they had this amazing stop in place when they are wrong.
I can't stop thinking about crypto subconsciously, especially EOS. I'm in and out of sleep and visualizing level 2 price action. Did you know that's my biggest skill in trading? I can paint momentum in my head based on market depth and level 2, which is why I scalp. Nifty talent.
Of course you did 😂😂😂
Funny how people always act like they had this amazing stop in place when they are wrong.

Anthony Grisanti on Twitter
“@CNBCFuturesNow Stopped out on this one for a loss ---go ahead crypto fans --let him have it”
Seems more economic to use money directly instead of the toilet paper
Libertarian League on Twitter
“The item next to the amount of Venezuelan bolivars it requires to purchase it”
[N E W] #MarketUpdate
$BTC $BTCUSD #Bitcoin
$ETH $ETHUSD #Ethereum
The Bitmex 2.0 upgrade!
#nodebase $NDB
pesale sold out
@CryptoBridge listing fee paid
and #pos / #mn runing
they did a swap to help the #crhonos investor thar got scamed
well done