Why I cut out video games: https://t.co/rgXKehLUXG via @YouTube
1/ @CumberlandSays raising the question of how #Ethereum miners will react if EIP 858 is put in place, dropping the coinbase reward from 3 --> 1 $ETH. https://t.co/wETDvvgyx6
"Alexander Bain, a Scottish inventor who had patented the electric clock, had transmitted images telegraphically in the 1840s but the Nipkow disk improved the encoding process."

SciHi on Twitter
“On August 22, 1860, German TV pioneer Paul Nipkow was born, best known for having conceived the idea of using a spiral-perforated disk to divid...
US govt doesn’t think people have intelligence to decipher news, hence censorship – Keiser

US govt doesn’t think people have intelligence to decipher news, hence censorship – Keiser — RT US News
As Twitter and Facebook are criticized over censorship and constant finger-pointing at Russia, RT’s Max Keiser speaks to the senior editor of th...
Bitcoin Q&A: Denominations and voluntary burning
Can we get a couple of these for @GApilgrimage?
FALSE: The perception is more that he’s (rightfully) draining the swamp. Nice try. Keep playing, Cenk. 😀👍

Cenk Uygur on Twitter
“I know this is a bold statement but I think @realDonaldTrump is on the precipice of losing credibility with his own base. Saying he barely knew...
#Bitcoin is doing America’s job for it by attacking China. 👍👍👍
The largest demographic for @KeiserReport are young black men. Our message is Liberation Theology. #Bitcoin is the currency of the ultimate emancipation.

seanfahey on Twitter
“@maxkeiser No surprise the black community gravitate to your show, they get it, they fight for fair value - you speak to their struggle for equ...
"...the Progressive case, which was literally a dispute about whether or not a magazine could publish some of the secrets about creating the hydrogen bomb. We’ve gone through all that already, and we won." @Radomysisky
Excellent point.

EXCLUSIVE: The Daily Wire Speaks With Cody Wilson About His 3D-Printed Gun Blueprints, Free Speech, And The People Trying To Shut Him Down
Cody Wilson, a self-proclaimed crypto-anarchist who lives in Austin, Texas, is at the center of a developing philosophical and legal debate about the ...
The only way to attack #Bitcoin is to out-hash it and that is now a virtual impossibility. All central banks, banks, regulators; surrender now before it gets really ugly. #YouHaveBeenWarned 😀👍
I’ll be speaking at Block Blockchain “Satoshi Is Black” Sept 10. Tix avail. https://t.co/KHkVKD08ol
People who are serious about protecting their privacy use long keys, and people who are serious about violating privacy try to pass laws restricting the length of those keys.
Thanks to the support of Patreon subscribers, I'm donating 247 free copies of Mastering Bitcoin and The Internet of Money, to high school @hackclub locations in the US, India and Spain
#bitcoin #theInternetOfMoney

Donating hundreds of books! | Andreas M. Antonopoulos on Patreon
Official Post from Andreas M. Antonopoulos: Patrons, together, we’re helping to train the next generation of bitcoin and open blockchain coders!...
Jimmy on Bitcoin Maximalism: via @YouTube
Just started using Lolli 🍭 to earn bitcoin when I shop online. It’s awesome & I think you should check it out! Use my link & we’ll both earn $1 in bitcoin: via @trylolli

Lolli: Earn Bitcoin When You Shop
Earn free bitcoin when you shop online from one of our many retailers! 🍭
I'll be speaking at Black Blockchain in DC on Sept. 10 "Satoshi Is Black: #Bitcoin Emancipation"

KEYNOTE: Satoshi Is Black: Economic Liberation!
Max Keiser
#Bitcoin’s reaction to SEC’s ETF news.
Prediction: Bitmain will burn some amount of their BCH instead of selling it as a way to promote BCH scarcity, avoid the low liquidity and as a gamble to pump the price.
Sounds like Intel hasn't actually fixed the L1 bug... If you have to accept new terms, the bug isn't fixed for all customers.

Torsten Hoefler on Twitter
“#Intel's newest microcode update to fix the L1 bug prohibits the use of the software/CPU for benchmarking :-): "You will not, [...] (v) publis...
Way too many political debates these days (and probably since forever)......

He was much younger then, nor was he dressed in a suit, nor posing in front of a gothic arch.

Prof.Frank McDonough on Twitter
“23 August 1991. Briton Tim Berners-Lee opened the World Wide Web to new users.”
Eventually the truth that Bitcoin/Ethereum blockchains don't scale becomes so obvious that you can't help but admit it.
Also, the actual threshold is a bit under 30%
Programming Blockchain Chicago is over! Moar devs!!!
Inventors of the most important technologies in Bitcoin: digital signatures and Merkle trees (Merkle), elliptic curve crypto (Koblitz), malicious-fault-tolerant consensus (Lamport), elliptic curve crypto (independent inventor: Miller).
The potential of a Turing-complete blockchain: CFDs, derivatives, rule-based pools of money, trust-minimized intermediation of cash flows, tons of things.

paralleldown on Twitter
“@realpauleverton @fiebsy Off top of my head - dharma, dydx, makerdao, augur/gnosis, set protocol, nexus mutual, compound”
From @kanzure: "The Current State Of The Pursuit Of Biological Immortality" (pdf)
It won’t free us. It’ll probably kill us. But we’ll die rich. So there’s that.

Digital Currencies on Twitter
“@maxkeiser How will building this network free us if we are building it for an unknown force, Max @maxkeiser ?”
After @CryptoSprings, everyone will ask, why can’t every conference be this good...
You’re not listening. This is not about economics at all. This is about an unknown force getting us to build this network for them for reasons that are not yet entirely clear.

Guillermo M. on Twitter
“@bitcoinization @PowersmartL @maxkeiser @stacyherbert @brockpierce If you can’t make a pie at a profit it simply means costs do not deter...
Chesterton's archaeology: rediscovering what was once important, and might still have been very beneficial, had it not already been torn down.
Related: techno-reactionaries rebuilding Chesterton fences with new material.
Proxy measures, sunk costs, and Chesterton's fence
G.K. Chesterton ponders a fence: In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple princip...
I'm impressed by the methodology used in this philosophical analysis. This is how social science progresses: clearly identify and defend your assumptions, then work to show how they logically imply the conclusion. (Author is @alexanderliegl)

A deductive valuation framework for cryptocurrencies
Foresight in an immature market
Pseudonymous twitter often has interesting scoops. We'll have to see if this gets confirmed.

BTCKING555 on Twitter
“Breaking: China sources report Bitmain has some $560 mln in commitments for this pre-IPO round. Key investor is @Temasek threatening to withdra...
[VIDEO] starting at 13:15 - - listen to young generation Puerto Rican’s talk about why new crypto wave means less are leaving the island and many are moving back. @brockpierce @RestartWeek @scottwalker99 https://t.co/HMGanJMv4y
Looking forward to #Brexit fail. Clan Maxwell is readying our armies to march South. For an historical primer, check out “Outlaw King” trailer.
I talked with a young entrepreneur in Puerto Rico about the new crypto wave (starts at 13:15 - ) One interesting point; many young people who might ordinarily leave PR are staying, and many are moving back. This is a definite positive. https://t.co/vewEC5pQFN
Even if I needed to contact Temasek, I guess I would have used Wechat or something. Oversea phone call’s quality is very bad. I don’t have the convenience to comment most of the news related with Bitmain, but they are mostly as fake as this.
As the (unofficial) leader of Scotland’s Clan Maxwell, I side with the North. #Brexit crash-out will cripple London and Northerners will then march on Westminster and Buckingham Palace and finally crush these bastards. The North remembers. Our time is now. https://t.co/1W1UV1TM38
Hash rate is price-insensitive. There is no relationship between cost and price, or even price and value in the case of #Bitcoin. Miners’ actions are locked in the protocol’s crypto (read: hidden) plan to dominate global computational capacity for reasons not yet entirely clear.

Guillermo M. on Twitter
“@PowersmartL @maxkeiser @stacyherbert @brockpierce Costs do not determine prices. I produce a pie in 1 hour and you produce the same pie in 2...
Does anyone remember Gold?
Time for ‘Burning Man’ - when drug-addled billionaires decide to buy #Bitcoin en masse. https://t.co/S0hZmrbK6x #RallyTimeOnThePlaya
In the USA it is currently illegal to use your 1st amendment right to share plans about your 2nd amendment right. That's why @BitcoinCom is offering matching funds in #BitcoinCash for @DefDist. Learn more at: https://t.co/Bg8Yr3eRGh
#GunControl #GunControlNow #2a #2ndAmendment
As a teenager I was fascinated and disturbed after watching "The Game". Now I realize the synopsis ought to be: "Bored millionaire is less bored after brother pulls series of horrific pranks that give him PTSD for life."
Thanks @AaronvanW for letting me know that a group of scammers are impersonating me on Skype. Be careful out there people...
Why I cut out Facebook in my life: via @YouTube
Giving up true ownership for convenience has generally been a bad bet long term.
TORONTO: Keiser Report: Financial Terrorism (E1269) via @YouTube https://t.co/sMUP7Igr4j
It’s about time, Iran. Now start adding #Bitcoin to your strategic reserves. 👍

Press TV on Twitter
“#Iran has removed the #US #Dollar from its official currency rate reporting platform and replaced it with #China’s #Yuan https://t.co/osA...
🚨 Scumbag alert. “The Lanny Davis Disease” https://t.co/QnNV6N1k6f
The Lanny Davis Disease and America's Health Care Debate
.. After Tom Daschle was selected to be Barack Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services and chief health care adviser, Matt Taibbi wrote: "In...
Hash rate never stopped skyrocketing. Price always hits new ATH. Price is a lagging indicator.
Crypto bulls are back.
The BCH community should NOT compromise with Craig Wright to "avoid a split" and should embrace it as an opportunity to conclusively ostracize and reject him. Bitcoin Craig (BCC) can go take the ticker symbol from the now-defunct cryptocurrency to which it is a fitting successor.
Full ING survey on cryptocurrencies (June '18): https://t.co/MMx8fTNbIw
Too many people think they have a vote in your decisions. In a truly free market you don't get to tell people what to do.
To me "market capitulation" is not about fear, but rather about disgust and indifference. Fearful investors still have hope, capitulated investors don't.
Man, I can't wait for season two
32 seconds on the ICO
Ethereum Q&A: The legality of smart contracts https://t.co/JiOZelxFjK
This transcript is a great read on the upcoming @bitcoincoreorg 0.17 release, thanks @jfnewbery and @kanzure!
The answer is #Bitcoin. Divorce yourself from SWIFT and centralized, politicized money transfer platforms and watch your economy and dignity soar! https://t.co/DpW0shLJ6I
.@AsiaArgento please provide proof that @Bourdain told you to pay hush money, or we’re left with the impression that you raped a kid, then smeared the excellent reputation of your boyfriend #SheToo
Today’s show: Keiser Report: Financial Terrorism (E1269) via @YouTube
Paul Sztorc @Truthcoin obviously has not read @saifedean ‘The Bitcoin Standard’ #Bitcoin is the hardest form of money ever. This is what the book is about and yet Paul and other concern trolls seem more interested in perpetual English pedo scandals and miss the point. 😕

Paul Sztorc on Twitter
“Accurate review of Saifedean's extraordinarily disappointing (and, at times, outright disgraceful) book https://t.co/QXi3X9LgJv”
Peter Thiel's philosophy on the skills required to grow a startup:
- ability to become a magnet for talented people
- ability to asymmetrically assess people
"It's the only way to stay competitive in the face of incumbents"
Tyler Whirty @twhirty_ misses an opportunity to let us know that @saifedean has convincingly made the case that #Bitcoin is the hardest form of money ever. This is what the book is about and yet Whirty gets bogged down in pedo scandals and misses the point. #WorthlessReview

Tyler Whirty on Twitter
“I just published “The Bitcoin Standard: A Missed Opportunity” https://t.co/CYFcmICQ5m”
State education is detrimental, not beneficial to society. It produces people who attribute good to the state for no reason.
Venezuela Completely Devalues Currency: via @YouTube
So exciting to see new hardware wallet designs on the market. I saw a BitBox prototype last year, it features a micro SD card slot for quick backup & recovery. https://t.co/0lMS2iQHRh

Bitbox | Minimalist hardware wallet
Simple Secure Sturdy
#Hodling when everyone is getting rekt is the crypto analogue to being greedy when others are fearful.

Joe Weisenthal on Twitter
“A lot of people who were tweeting "HODL" back in December probably didn't mean it.. https://t.co/W7xceJWS2Q via @LilyKatz”
Incidentally, I love how quoted Twitter tweets get embedded inline in the Peepeth interface. Between this and the "peep and tweet at the same time" feature, great way to erode network effect moats all around! #TearDownThatWall
Yay, succeeded!

Vitalik Non-giver of Ether on Twitter
“Trying to use the "peep and tweet at the same time" feature of Peepeth, round 2. https://t.co/gbdUeW7bC5”
Trying to use the "peep and tweet at the same time" feature of Peepeth, round 2.
1/ In "Good to Great", author Jim Collins uses the metaphor of the flywheel: disciplined people and a consistent vision eventually lead to extraordinary growth. Contrasts it with charismatic 'rockstar' CEOs who jerk the company around, causing it to lose momentum.
As usual, great graphs and stats in latest @DiarNewsletter https://t.co/vYfNbRk6gY
Gaia is laughing at us...
"The case for central bank controlled digital currencies" - @TamasBlummer https://t.co/gu9j7Phaav
How Bitcoin makes society anti-fragile: via @YouTube
Oppression comes from concentrated power. The solution isn't to change the people in power, the solution is to decentralize the power.
Old laws are rarely able to resist new technologies.
I just published “Why You Can’t Shortcut Trust”

Why You Can’t Shortcut Trust – Jimmy Song – Medium
Trust is one of those words that is both loaded and ill-defined. We all recognize that trust is very important for nearly all human…
Allowing strangers' words to affect you negatively is a hole in your Twitter game. Much as in hodling, not paying attention is a virtue.
False. You have listed ‘mixed economies,’ economies that are part capitalist, part socialist. https://t.co/YETbw7Nsl7
This is what draining the swamp looks like. Bonehead Phil Mudd can’t handle the truth he’s a venal, conceited tyrant cashing checks selling out America. #Kudos to Paris Dennard for staying calm.

CNN on Twitter
“"Zero. I get zero dollars from consulting companies that deal with U.S. government. Are we clear?" Counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd takes e...
Q: "What does this mean exactly, to own a Bitcoin?" - This write-up from 2014 answers that:

Welcome to Bitcoin Island
Forget currencies and commodities… perhaps the right analogy for Bitcoin is LAND! Oleg Andreev posted an insightful tweet the other day: You could a...
Many don't know this: at the protocol level $ETH has no checksums (though most 3rd party service providers did implement their own to protect customers).

Sjors Provoost on Twitter
“Spoiler: unless you pay attention to lower and upper case, one mistake by yourself or typo by the sender will send your ETH into the ether. I ...
Complete this list:
1. "Funding secured" (Musk)
2. "Truth isn't truth" (Giuliani)
Electric skateboards are a quiet beneficiary of the scooter-ization of American cities. #NYC next.

Opinion | Electric Scooters in New York City? They Just Might Work
The scooters could be a real help to people trying to get around the city — if the mayor gets much more serious about protecting riders.
Only 5 more days until Bitcoin Carnivory Club Chicago! Sign up here:

Bitcoin Carnivory Club Chicago
Bitcoin Carnivory Club is proud to present a Carnivory dinner in the city of Chicago! Get ready for a Brazilian BBQ and Bitcoin experience! We will ha...
“There is a principle of Defensive Decentralization: when besieged, a well constructed decentralized system will further decentralize.” -@SarahJamieLewis
On Emergent Centralization
Observations on Robust Decentralized Systems
Sunday Survey:
What is the reason for wealth inequality?
There definitely exist ideas that are both true and dangerous; this sentence is one example.